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Taylor Sheehy
B.S. Biochemistry 
Duquese University
Pittsburgh, PA
NSF Graduate Research Fellow

Taylor is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her desire to pursue a career in pharmaceutical development led her to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a Mathematics minor at Duquesne University. During her undergraduate career, Taylor conducted research in both biochemistry and chemical engineering. She studied the effects of macromolecular crowding on the kinetics of dihydrofolate reductase and helped to create a mathematical model of acute kidney injury in ICU patients. Her desire to pursue translational research, with an ultimate goal of designing novel cancer therapeutics, led her to pursue an engineering PhD at Vanderbilt University, where she is a 5th year in the Wilson lab. Taylor plans to apply her scientific background to design immunotherapeutic delivery technologies. Outside of the lab, Taylor enjoys spoiling her rescue puppy, Tucker. She also likes to draw, fish and attend frequent concerts.  

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